The Ladinia, the land of the Ladin people
What is ladinia? Territory and main features

Ladina is the name which best identifies an Alpine region and more precisely five valleys mainly characterized by the spoken language: Ladin. Not only language but also culture, history, nature, craftsmanship, tradition, tales and legends combine the population of Val Badia with the one of Gardena, Fassa, Livinallongo and Ampezzo.
Provinces, regions and morphology of the Dolomites cause a partial division of the Ladin world, but at the same time this important displacement of the five valleys permitted and enhanced the development and the conservation of the Ladin culture, still alive today in the Dolomites.
Nowadays the “Ladinia” is well-known worldwide for the Dolomites and the nature surrounding its five valleys, but also for its modern skiing districts that lead to the slopes of enchanted peaks and allow the practice of sports in an exceptionally beautiful environment.
We have to keep in mind who the Ladin population was, not a too long time ago. The Ladin valleys were characterized by a mainly farming milieu, people that like their dwelling and lifestyle were simple, poor and humble. Men and women were proud, hardworking and guardians of natural and handcraft secrets, always strongly attached to their land and people. Through our web-site, we hope to transmit to our visitor guests something about the Ladin nature, hoping that the Ladin hearts will pursue in preserving our ancestors’ qualities.
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