Saturday 12 July 2014
Grill Facility Sas Dlacia, Sarè, San Ciascian (South Tyrol, Italy)
From 3.00 PM until late in the night
Tera Salvaria is a cultural and musical event dealing with nature, mythology and ancient cultural heritage of the traditional people of Europe and the Alps as the Ladins. In the afternoon activities for children and falconry demonstration. In the evening concert of various folk bands, stories and legends around the fire.
Electricity-free event. Food and beverages will be sold. Free entry and camping.
- presentation of the illustrated book for children “Valire y i cumpagns dl bosch” of Emil Valentini and Sofia Triggiano with the Uniun Ladins Val Badia
- falconry show with Menardi Fausto Diornista (Falconeria Dolomiti)
- local folk band
- Death of Abel / apocalyptic Folk / Stuttgart (D)
- Margareta Fuchs, / Brixen (South Tyrol) / Narrator of stories, legends and folk tales from Tyrol, nature and landscape guide, legend book author (with Veronika Krapf)
- Urna / Napoli / Ritual
- Tears of Othila / Folk / Liguria
- In Gowan Ring / Symbolist Folk / USA, Sweden, Deutschland
- Sangre de Muerdago / galician folk / galicia (Spain)
Web: www.facebook.com/terasalvaria
Mail: terasalvaria@gmail.com
Tel: +39 338 7173577 ; +39 333 7223397