Pares - Dodesc Apostui

Trekking in La Val - Alta Badia

Ideal for: TrekkingWalking the: 29-06-2010

Pares - La ValPares - La ValSas de Crosta (2396 m)Dodesc Apostui / Dodici ApostoliDodesc Apostui / Dodici ApostoliCiurnadùSentiero per ParesCiavaza con il Sas dla CruscSas dales Nü e Sas dales DiescColz - Spëscia con il Sas dla Crusc
Height profile

Description for the walking tour and route

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Where? Fontanela - La Val
Pares - Dodesc Apostui Description of the route 2:30 h 3,50 km 1 600 m 2 390 m 790 m / 822 m 15, 15b Rating of the route Conditions Technique Panorama Variety Recommended period
Cartography TABACCO 07 ALTA BADIA - ARABBA MARMOLADA Download and link
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