Brixen, 24th November 2016 – 8 january 2017
“Dreams of an elephant 2016”: After 55.000 visitors the first year 2015 Soliman, the elephant of Brixen returns to the impressive Bishop Palace “Hofburg Brixen” and embarks on a journey through a magical dream world. From the 24th November 2016 till the 8th January 2017 Soliman will stay for 44 days at the Bishop Palace in Brixen and enchant you by using the high emotional elements: sound and light. Be enchanted by the unique light- and music show: Solimans Dream 2!
More information on www.brixen.org/soliman
To this event has enabled the purchase online with PRINT@HOME: will print the previously general taxation ticket with your home printer / office (just a single black and white), and no shipping courier will be necessary expressed, nor retreat at the box office, the barcode number on the ticket must never be resized worth illegibility of the same; check that the bar code is readable. The ticket is not duplicable, allows access only and will be invalidated by the entrance access control.